
Business portal – a networking website for business tourism

Business tourism hasn’t changed much since the Internet appeared on the scene: travelling business persons make plant without taking into account the routes where their friends, colleagues and employees travel, thus wasting precious time and missing the connection opportunities even when they are not on the road.

The portal we have developed gives the business tourists an opportunity to completely alter their business trips using the concept of a “turned-in trip” and, for the first time, allowing the business-oriented people to share their travelling plans easily and instantly search for potential business connections at the next stopping point of their route – among the companies and booking service providers.

Portal for investors

The project was developed for a privately owned investment group that makes large sales to people via the Internet. A separate database and resource base were created for alternative investments and futures contracts for individual investors, professional investment managers, representatives of brokers and investment enterprises. An intuitive and easy-to-use interface was developed to help the users to organize information about the company and the programme, search the database, systematize the results of the search and compare investment programmes. For investment programmes the system calculates financial statistics and presents it in a convenient, customizable format.

The powerful administration interface provides tools for managing accounts and information about companies and programmes, for activation/deactivation/deleting all available objects in the system and for acting on behalf of any user. The administrator can also set the cost of the service offered by the system and discounts available through advertising codes.

Social network portal

The social network portal is a networking resource containing a lot of information available for searching and related mainly to entertainment and recreation. The portal offers its users an opportunity to share information, knowledge, experience and impressions received while visiting different places and events. The users can also share their questionnaires and creative work to attract friends and employers.