In RVK-Voronezh, Ltd., a ceremonial launch of an I&R service working according to the "one window" principle has taken place


In December 2012 the Call centre of Voronezh Vodokanal started working using software delivered by CTISoft, Ltd and called "I&R system for Vodokanal".
The project was completed very quickly: at the beginning of December the tender committee declared CTIFoft, Ltd., the winner of the tender to deploy software for the company’s call centre, and on the 26th of December the I&R Service of the company started receiving the first calls from the clients.
Automated workstations of the System are installed in the I&R Service and in other departments of the company, which are responsible for planned and emergency work. The System has functionality that supports the entire business process of working with the clients' requests:

  • Receiving and registering the requests on the phone
  • Distributing requests and complaints among departments responsible for their processing
  • Controlling the processing of requests
  • Receiving clients’ estimations of the quality of the work done.

According to Gennady Ivaschenko, the CEO of RVK-Voronezh, Ltd., the deployment of the I&R centre software will allow the company to cover a great number of callers and reduce the amount of time necessary for a consumer to find a needed phone number to the minimum. “We understand that water must be clean, its supply uninterrupted and the servicing of clients civilized. That’s why we come and offer them help 24/7 in case there’s no drinkable water or an emergency situation has occurred within the water supply and sewerage system” (G.I. Ivaschenko).
