System of Federal Analytical Hypertension Register (AH Register)
The System of Federal Analytical Hypertension Register (AH Register) This Web-based System was developed as the main tool of clinical audit for Russian Federal program "Arterial hypertension prophylaxis and treatment".
The System allows not only automatic revealing of patients treated with deviations from Hypertension Guidelines (2004) - it also lists stages of medical treatment comprising these deviations.
It has been functioning online since the beginning of 2005.
It is meant for centralized collection, storage and processing of information used for clinical audit – that is, assessment of the quality of patient treatment.
The system allows not only automatic revealing of patients who were treated without paying certain attention to the recommendation of Russian leading cardiologists, but discovering what the difference between the recommendations and the actual treatment was. It also allows calculating of the risk of fatal cardiovascular complications that those patients might develop within the next five years.
See also:
- Results of experimental probation of AH Register in 2006 (751 kB, in Russian)
The work was done in the frames of a federal programme of preventing and curing hypertension in Russia.
- Saratov Federal Institute of Cardiology
- Russian Cardiology Researh and Production Center (Moscow)
Development environment: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
Technologies and programming language: ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#, AJAX
Platform and data storage: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, IIS 5.0, SQL Server 2000